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Aired: May 3, 2011 - June 24, 2019.?

[Brings out a photo album] Look at what I found in the attic. ?

The doorbell rings and Anais answers it. Robinson's yard! [Gumball and Darwin scream in excitement and take a peek at the Robinson's backyard. " [Looks at pamphlet] Mr. I'm gonna need you to move her every hour to keep her in the shade, okay? [Throws his keys in Richard's face] Richard: [Chuckles nervously] Sure thing, Harry Nigel Brown: So, Mr Watterson. [The episode starts with a video's title card, with cheery music playing] Video Narrator: Watch Out, Little Teddy. fedex office near me We waited more than seven months for this. As Gumball, in Anais' voice, reads, a scene plays out, showing a depiction of Anais handing "Jodie" a pen. [The episode begins with the Watterson children sitting right outside of Elmore Junior High] Gumball: I’m just saying, why do people say grapefruit and tunafish but not eggchicken or beefmammal? Darwin: [wailing] Come on, Mr. ] Gumball: [Deep gruff voice] I steal from … [The episode starts with the whole Wattersons family going inside their house. [Still imagining they are falling through a hole, Gumball and Darwin notice what Nicole said. julia kul twerking [Still imagining they are falling through a hole, Gumball and Darwin notice what Nicole said. Soon, the alarm clock rings, making them bolt upright. [The episode starts by showing the Wattersons' house, while Louie is walking his dog] Gumball: [Off-screen] EVERYTHING HAS TO BE PERFECT! [Louie to get distracted by the scream and hits a pole] [Scene changes to the kitchen where Anais is frantically trying to unclog the sink, Darwin is rapidly mixing cookie dough in a bowl and Richard is doing the laundry in the background [It's morning in Elmore. Let me show you the back. fqzhgqhvvo This portion here is the— [Gets drowned out] Gumball: [Chews on his pen] My brain is amazing. ….

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