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Jul 27, 2022 · Double Demytha is a ?

Details Speed : Demytha : 288Heiress : 266Draco : 258Deacon : 195Seeker : 185Works on UNM and?

Demytha was introduced in Patch 42 as one of the four champions required to fuse Sigmund the Highshield Champion … Heiress is part of some pretty great 1 key UNM CB teams. Full-auto tune with high speed with 2x Seeker, 3:1 DPS and Demytha while Heiress cleanses the debuffs to make it affinity friendly Created by: ShortOnSkillz Difficulty: Hard All Affinities. Speed Tune Overview. Help is appreciated! Couldn't you run Painkeeper as a 3:1, and then Demytha as a 2:1 and have the block damage up every turn for an unkillable team? I'm not experienced enough with the calculator to even get close to this but I think it should work? Might need a second buff extender to keep a speed boost going. Read about a raccoon activity for kids and enjoy a family nature hike. publix trolls cake Reply reply [deleted] •. Demytha: Open A1, then A2, then A3; High Khatun: Open A2; Block Debuff: Open Block Debuff Skill; Seeker: Open A2; This is a full auto setup when skills are pre-set. I theorize that there's some discrepancy between Jedi's calculator using 190 as the speed whereas the true speed of the demonlord is 191 so somehow his speed catches up to Demytha and overtakes her. What seems to be the problem when you can't get it to run? My biggest trouble that got in my way was getting the comp to work on all affinities. bob pixie cut 2023 Important Considerations. Inefficiencies have marred Nigeria’s rental sys. BUT book Demytha until her Channel the Bloodline skill is at 4 turn cooldown and then stop to have synergy between the unkillable skills I'll check that comp out tonight to see what damage and builds. And the increase speed makes it easier to get to 3:1 ratio. Can anybody suggest the priorities I need to set the abilities to as I think that’s what is throwing it out when I hit auto? If I'm looking at the calculator, it seems like you have the wrong setup for UNM. For starters, there are a huge number o. trahan milton florida Full guide, recommended masteries and artifacts. ….

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